> There is no constraint on sites where are the regular correspondent nodes
> (aka correspondent domains) which should be the vast majority of sites.

I am concerned that this would be an obstacle to deploying MIPv6:
I couldn't put my node to network X because X will not get AAA within
five years.

>    Secondly, such a the proposed practice would basically foil all of the
>    designed zero-configuration nature of IPv6.  That is, the reason for IPv6
>    stateless autoconfiguration is to allow hosts to be plugged in to a IPv6
>    network without any prior configuration.  IMHO, such a practice would be
>    very good in many environments, even in public access WLANs.  (I know that
>    some people disagree with me.)
> => this is very unrealistic because this forgets the third letter of AAA.
> And of course this doesn't go well with the responsible use of the network
> principle.

Uh... there are legitimate uses for accounting and AAA but I really don't
think we should impose configuration and AAA in all situations. There's
plenty of examples where there is no business or security need for complicated
configuration or even accounting. Such as closed company or free university
networks, or my access-paid-by-visa WLAN.


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