In your previous mail you wrote:

   >    and that your home agent must be part of the
   >    still-not-existing global AAA infrastructure so that you could use HAO.
   > => as I've said, this *recommendation* is for your protection:
   > without remote network access control you can be a target...
   Ah, but I think the issue is who the victims are. If *I* add
   protection in my network, that does *not* guarantee I won't

=> there is *no* guarantee with ingress filtering: its purpose
is not to make source address spoofing impossible, it is to
make it enough unattractive.

   be hit by reflection attacks from someone's network that only
   has regular ingress filtering (without the stateful and AAA
=> you have forgotten the purpose of ingress filtering. To get
the level of security you seems to want, AH should be mandatory
(its use, not its implementation).


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