In your previous mail you wrote:

   >    I don't think it matters whether the acronym for this
   >    infrastructure was PKI, DNS, or AAA?
   > => I agree but it is not forbidden to get advantages of it, only to rely
   > on it. As we don't rely on ingress filtering for defense against DDoS,
   > I can't see a problem to propose to use AAA in order to improve ingress
   > filtering.
=> I should have added that there are two possible improvements to ingress
filtering: network access control and full AAA. The first one keeps the
status quo, the second gives more.

   Yes, it's no problem to improve something. However, improving ingress
   filting with AAA is not the *whole* picture of what we are doing. You
   have to remember that by introducing HAO our first step is punching a
   mile wide hole to the ingress filtering system. And, in fact, you
   are not improving things by having a smart treatment of the HAO -- you're
   basically keeping the status quo that we already have with v4.

=> this is about (any kind of) network access control.

   So, in some areas that have both ingress filtering and aaa,
   you may keep the current
   status, if the aaa fix to ingress filtering is deployed fast enough.
   However, on other areas you are nuking an existing security measure some
   people are using. In this sense you are relying on AAA all over the place,

=> please replace AAA by network access control.

   just to keep things as they were before.
=> I don't see a problem: we have *not* ingress filtering performed
everywhere today. We don't need an absolute solution, we need only to
make HAO spoofing enough unattractive as we did need to make source
address spoofing enough unattractive...


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