
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext Alexandru Petrescu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > I would be a bit careful to use IMEI as Interface Identifier.
> Hi Jonne, please let me assure you that I'm trying to be very careful
> in all this.  If I speak out so frequently is just because I need to
> better understand how IPv6 and 3GPP/UMTS can be made to work together.
> If I'm diverging too much from the list's topic, please stop me.

JSo: I do not if this is outside the scope, but I think the issue of making 3GPP/UMTS 
to work with IPv6 has been rather thoroughly researched. There has been done work in 
3GPP, and the functionality is specified in the 3GPP specs. I can provide you with 
pointers to the docs off-line, if you wish. In addition, we had the IPv6-3GPP design 
team working on this issue last year. You can see the results in 

> > I am not really sure if this is something you want to tell the whole
> > world.
> Ok, privacy, yes.  Alberto mentioned that not necessarily the IMEI
> should be coded but a hash of it, periodically updated starting from a
> nonce.
> > This is kind of confidential information from the end user point of
> > view.
> Aha, confidential, then it's not to be put in IPv6 addresses that are
> not confidential.

The problem with IMEIs are that they are used in GSM, GPRS, and UMTS networks to 
screen stolen handsets. This makes additional requirements for privacy, and 
confidentiality of the IMEI value.

> > In addition, it might not always be unique...
> IMEI not being unique?  That's bad, again.  Then it's probably true
> that some id's are more unique than other id's.

I had phone once that for some reason had a different IMEI electronically than what 
was printed on the back of the phone. I am not sure if that was the mistake of the 
person putting the wrong label on the phone... (It was not from the manufacturer that 
I currently work for... ;)

> So I try something else than IMEI: IMSI.  As IMEI is for phones, IMSI
> is in the SIM cards.  Is the IMSI private?  Is it unique?

IMSI is very unique, but alas very private. That should never be shown outside the 
mobile network. (IMSI=International Mobile Subscriber Identification, if I remember 

> What are the other identifiers in the GSM/3GPP/UMTS?  Phone number?

Would you like your phone number to be shown on your IP address if you are using your 
modem over a telephone line. With all those telemarketers around... ;)

> Would an IMT2000 identifier be better adapted, since it has a wider
> reach, more neutral.

I am not sure what you are referring to. Something standardized in ITU?

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