In your previous mail you wrote:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   > I would be a bit careful to use IMEI as Interface Identifier.
   Hi Jonne, please let me assure you that I'm trying to be very careful
   in all this.  If I speak out so frequently is just because I need to
   better understand how IPv6 and 3GPP/UMTS can be made to work together.
   If I'm diverging too much from the list's topic, please stop me.
=> the IMEI idea is terribly simple: GSM/UMTS terminals usually have
no IEEE interface but have a globally unique ID, so use it exactly as
we use IEEE IDs/MAC addresses.

   > I am not really sure if this is something you want to tell the whole
   > world.
   Ok, privacy, yes.

=> please read the last update of RFC 3041 before to get things from
3041 which are not in it...

   Alberto mentioned that not necessarily the IMEI
   should be coded but a hash of it, periodically updated starting from a
=> I can't see a reason to do that when RFC 3041 is supported.
Or do you mean we can replace the MAC address by the IMEI for the seed?

   > In addition, it might not always be unique...
   IMEI not being unique?  That's bad, again.  Then it's probably true
   that some id's are more unique than other id's.
=> IMEI is unique according to 3GPP/ETSI standards.
In the true world I am afraid it is not far more unique than
MAC addresses...

   So I try something else than IMEI: IMSI.  As IMEI is for phones, IMSI
   is in the SIM cards.  Is the IMSI private?  Is it unique?
=> IMSI is *private* and unique.

   What are the other identifiers in the GSM/3GPP/UMTS?  Phone number?
=> none, the hardware ID is the IMEI. Others (IMSI/phone number) are

   Would an IMT2000 identifier be better adapted, since it has a wider
   reach, more neutral.
=> it seems the IMT2000 identifier would be the IMEI.


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