> All Alice knows is that Bob is not asking for the same protection that
> Alice is. There are too many semantics being assumed about the magic
> bit. This specific response assumes that there is an implicit
> bi-directional requirement that if A sends the bit set to B, then B must
> use the same bit set in its address back to A. Yet in other messages all
> the magic bit says it that A doesn't want B to interpret any BU messages
> that can't be validated. Which is it??? Certainly there is no
> requirement for B to tell A that it shouldn't interpret a BU from it,
> since B may have a different policy at the moment.

To my understanding it is becouse Alice uses the "strong" exchange,
indicated in IID that doesn't want Bob to perform a BU with a "weak"
exchange. Bob policy is independent of this discussion, becouse Bob MUST
NOT perform a BU under those circunstances.

> If you really want a protocol then create one, don't assume that a
> single bit sent in one direction can carry the semantics of a
> bi-directional protocol. In particular for the problem being solved,
> don't ever assume that the policies have to be symmetric. All this
> mechanism is trying to do is let the CN know how to interpret a BU sent
> on behalf of the MN should be interpreted in a specific way. That is a
> unidirectional statement, but might include a feedback path to let the
> MN know if the message was received and the CN will honor it. The
> opposing unidirectional statement MUST NOT be required to have the same
> interpretation.

A feedback path is available using the status field of the Binding. So if
Bob has not resources or intentions to follow Alice wishes there is a
mechanism to provide feedback.


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