At Tue, 30 Apr 2002 16:36:11 -0700, Bob Hinden wrote:
> I think you mentioned in an earlier email about the need for NTP in order 
> to use DNSSEC.

More precisely, in order to verify DNSSEC signatures, but yes.

> From the discussion on the list it sounds like the timing requirement for 
> DNSSEC is for the host to have a clock that is +/- 5 minutes.  This could 
> be implemented with NTP or something else (e.g., accurate clock).
> I read some of RFC2030 "Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4 for 
> IPv4, IPv6 and OSI".  I think is what would be needed in most hosts.

I agree that SNTP's granularity would suffice for DNSSEC's purposes.
I'd add that one almost certainly wants to enable the NTP/SNTP
authentication stuff (yet another key management swamp, bletch).

SNTP is really just a lightweight version of NTP and operates on the
same ports (SNTP clients can and do use NTP servers, although the
other way around is a bad idea due to the precision downgrade), so the
distinction between NTP and SNTP may not really be relevant for
discovery purposes, but I have no problem with calling the service
"SNTP" for now.

> RFC2030 has three mechanisms for a host to communicate with a SNTP server: 
> Unicast, Multicast, and Anycast.  The Multicast and Anycast use well know 
> IANA assigned multicast addresses and don't need any learned 
> configuration.  The use of anycast is different than what we usually 
> discuss as it also uses the well known multicast addresses but assumes some 
> cooperation between the servers so only one responds.

Er, no.  "Anycast" (SNTP flavor) client sends out a multicast request,
gets back zero or more unicast responses, and "binds" to the server
that responds first.  The servers don't coordinate their responses.

> I would think the unicast approach should work with well known unicast 
> addresses (like the current DNS discovery proposal) at it uses UDP for a 
> transport and consists of a single request with a single response.

Comments on "well known unicast address" model deferred to a later message.

> I will add SNTP server addresses to the list of desirable features in the 
> requirements text.

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