Date:        Thu, 13 Jun 2002 17:26:21 -0400
    From:        Steve Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Message-ID:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  | Ripping site-locals out of the specs will not prevent folks who perceive
  | the need for stable addresses (e.g., for internal use) from allocating them, 
  | especially given that ~7/8 of the IPv6 address space is held in reserve.

Yes, exactly.

If site locals were made to go away, they'd simply be re-invented by
sites all over the place, in totally un-coordinated ways, and the same
pressures that led to reserving the 1918 address space will just reappear.

That was really: "people are doing this ('borrowing' address space) anyway,
we might as well tell them some numbers to use that will cause less problems
than simply using arbitrary ones".

Unless / until we come up with some way of avoiding even the possibility that
sites will ever need to renumber (which I think is almost the same as asking
for a guarantee that the routing people can route a 2^48 flat address space)
then stable addresses for internal communications are a *requirement* for
many sites, and whether that's achieved by simply "borrowing" some random
prefix and using it forever, or whether it is done using "fec0::/10" is
largely irrelevant - it will be done anyway.


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