> Keith Moore writes:
>  > > I agree 100% with Micehls' point - assigning unique IDs to sites for use in
>  > > site-local addresses moves the site-local addresses into a globally
>  > > routable address space, with the additional feature that those addresses
>  > > are provider independent.  The result would be an address space that is
>  > > site-local by (potentially unenforceable) executive fiat rather than by
>  > > technical design.
>  > 
>  > this sounds like a feature to me, because it would allow hosts using 
>  > such addresses to have their traffic routed between sites without NAT.
>  > 
>  > private addresses were a bad idea; we should not repeat them in v6.
>    So it seems to me that what's at issue here is what
>    is the lesser of evils. 

I think this is a bit over-simplistic.  Just because an address 
prefix is globally unique does not mean it will be widely advertised 
in routing tables, especially when such prefixes are easily 
distinguished from globally-routable prefixes.

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