Hello Itojun,

The home address option is the same in format as the
previous version.  The additional requirement now is
only that now it's required to be secured somehow.

Charlie P.


> >processing a HAO is simply replacing the source address with
> >the contents of the HAO. earlier it is used to be a MUST without
> >the verification step. IPv6 WG was okay with that. but people
> >indentified some reflection attacks that are possible if you
> >blindly accept unverified home address option. so now, it is a
> >MUST with the verification step.
>         IPv6 wg OKed HAO in draft 5 or 6.  HAO changed a lot since then,
>         and i think it not reasonable for you to think that new-HAO is also
>         OKed automaticalliy.
> itojun
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Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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