In your previous mail you wrote:

   > One obvious one is when I have two links, and have assigned pfx1::1 to
   > my favourite node on one of them, and pfx2::1 to my favourite (different)
   > node on the other, and then I decide to merge the links into one.  Applying
   > both prefixes to the link is easy, so I shouldn't have to renumber anything
   > just because of this (pyhsical) change (maybe a temporary one caused by
   > the death of a switch, while waiting upon a replacement - assuming I'm
   > too cheap to buy switches that support vlans...).   But now I have two ::1's
   > on the one link.
   But, even with DAD, you will have problems.

=> I have no problem...

   You are announcing pfx1 and pfx2 on the same link.
   Thus, because both nodes have id=1
=> no, they have ids=something and addresses=pfx1::1 and pfx2::1

   - both nodes will try to configure now pfx1::1 *AND* pfx2::1 and
     collide each other.
=> not if they don't try to configure all ids with all prefixes.

   - both nodes can now validly try to configure fe80::1, and collide on
=> idem.

   - if a new pfx3 is announced, both nodes will collide on "pfx3::1"
=> idem.

   I'm not saying above is bad situation. It does require implementation
   to keep track of each combination, to remember wich prefix/id
   combinations have collided (or it has to keep a separate list of
   collided addresses, so that it doesn't try to reuse those combinations
=> obviously your assumptions about how the autoconf works are not shared.

   With DIID, you can remove the collided ID, and it will not be used.
=> with DAD, there is no notion of collided ID, only of collided addresses.
IMHO the confusion comes from the current mixture of DAD and DIIDD.


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