This question came up during one of the ISATAP draft revisions. We
were intending to adopt Marc's proposed reserved address space for
documentation, but couldn't find a proper reference. I favor the
/16 example - it should be large enough to cover unanticipated
future use cases.


Marc Blanchet wrote:
> -- mercredi, octobre 23, 2002 10:43:58 -0400 Thomas Narten
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote/a icrit:
>>I'd like to formally request the following from the WG on this
>> - I'd like to see it become a WG document (to become a BCP RFC)
>> - I'd like for folks here to review it and post any issues they have
>>   with it
>> - I'd like to call special attention to the following text that it
>>   includes:
>>>   In addition, experience with IPv4 has shown that it is useful to
>>>   reserve an address block for documentation purposes that will never
>>>   be assigned for actual use in a network [DOC]. Such addresses can
>>>   safely be used in documentation, without the worry that someone will
>>>   accidentally (and incorrectly) configure them on a real network and
>>>   cause traffic intended for the legitimate owner of those addresses to
>>>   be impacted.
>>>   This document reserves the IPv6 address block XXXX::/32 for
>>>   documentation purposes.
>>There has been some private discussion about the need for addresses
>>for documentation, but it's probably worth discussing how much address
>>space is needed for this purpose, and what the prefix should be (e.g.,
>>allocate out of 001/3?). the /32 length is a strawman.
> - great to see that the proposal I made on address space for documentation
> is surviving!
> - I would propose that at least the space reserved is in well known
> boundaries: /16, /24, /32.
> - 3fff::/16 is for me the best: it is large, but simple and would cover
> most cases needed.
> - if not agreeable (too large), then /24. which would have room for
> aggregates in bgp routing.
> Marc.
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