> Come on.  You can't implement or understand MIPv6 if you don't have ND down.
> It is not even possible. 
> The engineers in MIPv6 are clearly qualified to work to enhance ND.

I think I can implement MIPv6 just fine without section 7.5, 7.6, and 7.7
in the MIPv6 draft. After all, I'll have 149-3 pages to implement.

Having those sections separate makes it easier to add more 
ND optimizations for Mobile IPv6 as we learn more.
I don't want people that work out e.g. an optimistic DAD scheme to have
to stick that into the MIPv6 document just because the MIPv6 document
talks about DAD.

> I don't believe moving it to separate spec will make it more implementable
> at all.  MIPv6 is no longer a MUST.

I don't understand your point. This issue is not about implementing
the 146 pages in routers; the issue is to get routers to implement
the 3 pages of ND changes that improve the performance of movement detection.


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