
I belive that some ND changes have to remain in the MIPv6
spec.  The ND changes without which the base MIPv6 spec is
incomplete and can not be made to work well should remain in the
spec.  An example of this is RA timers.  Without faster
RAs, the movement detection algorithm takes way to much time to
be effective.  Yes, there are better ways to do this and once
they are specified, they can be implemented and deployed.
However, without decent movement detection, the base spec is

On the other hand, other changes (such as what to do on DAD
collision) apply to more the just mobility cases and would
provide greater benefit as separete specs.

Just my $0.02

Vladislav Yasevich		Tru64 UNIX - IPv6 Project Lead
Hewlett Packard 		Tel: (603) 884-1079
Nashua, NH 03062		ZKO3-3/T07

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