On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Keith Moore wrote:
> > ....but how on earth did we end up in this discussion? From what I
> > remember of the voting in Atlanta we had consensus for a limited
> > version of site-locals...not creating a separate address structure?
> as I recall, we had consensus for limiting site-locals,
> as well as widespread support for the idea that PI globals were needed.
> it's not an either-or.
> Keith

My memory of the discussions accords with the summary given by Keith
above.  In addition, the general tenor of the discussion indicated to me
that the two issues were linked: that consensus on limiting site-locals
was contingent upon initiation of an effort to design a workable scheme
for privately-routable PIs, with the global routing of PIs left for
subsequent discussion.


Alan E. Beard
AEBeard Consulting
4109 Chelsea Ln
Lakeland FL 33809

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