The first sad truth is that there is no consensual
   enforcement mechanism can guarantee that GUPIs will
   not end up being a global PI mess, IPv4-style.

There's no consensus enforcement mechanism that can guarantee 
anything else about IP operation either, but somehow it often 
seems to work.

   The second sad truth is that there is no consensus
   for un-aggregated PI today.

   The third sad truth is that there is no consensus
   either in giving away un-aggregated PI now and try
   to clean it later.

There's no consensus for what to do with SLs either.
Getting consensus for what to do with SLs might require a consensus on GUPIs.

You seem to be saying that because we don't have consensus today on 
GUPIs that no reasonable solution exists.  I think we're still exploring 
the solution space.  

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