v6 anycast is distinctly different than v4 anycast, which is confusing
to most operators I know of.

wrt native IPv6 providers in the US, yes there are a few. todate, they
are either small or are "vertical".  Perhaps the largest in the US 
(BW, geographic spread) is the Abilene network. There are a number of
ISPs that connect natively to exchange facilities over IPv6. 
In LA, I am using an ISP with native IPv6 to connect to LAIIX where
there is native IPv6 to two other ISPs and a bunch of tunnels to
other regional ISPs that connect to other exchanges. 

Most exchanges will be IPv6 aware/capable in the next 30 days.
The backbone/transit networks that had plans (CW, Sprint, WCOM)
for native IPv6 products have generally slipped those plans 
(for a variety of reasons) out for another year or so... based
on demand.  And quite frankly, these folks need -big- customer
demand.  So the near-term, pragmatic tactic seems to be for
us small users to vote w/ our pocketbooks and support the regional/local
ISPs that support IPv6 to local exchanges.

Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them, and
certainly don't reflect those of any other entity (legal or otherwise).

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