Pekka Savola wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Michel Py wrote:
> > > The specific format of global unicast address under the 2000::/3
> > > prefix is:
> > > | 3 |     n bits         | 61-n bits |       64 bits              |
> > > +---+--------------------+-----------+----------------------------+
> > > |001|  routing prefix    | subnet ID |       interface ID         |
> > > +---+--------------------+-----------+----------------------------+
> >
> > I have a dumb question about this: I read a while ago in some RIR
> > documents about the "hard boundary" at /64 and the "soft boundary" at
> > /48. Technically, the subnet ID can have any number of bits, but I
> > thought we would want to encourage the use of 16 subnet ID bits, which
> > would make n=45.
> >
> > I think there could be something such as a recommendation or a should in
> > the draft.
> I disagree about recommendations on this to-be-normative RFC.  An
> informative reference for recomendations in the IESG/IAB document is most
> that could be acceptable.

Pekka is correct. The /48 boundary is not the IETF's business any
more; we had a very complex discussion with the RIRs and they had
a very complex discussion among themselves, resulting in
RIPE-267 and RIPE-261. Don't go there.


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