On Monday, February 3, 2003, at 07:02 AM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

Lets try to avoid a lengthily discussion on this. I think the w.g. has
more pressing issues. If others have strong feeling on this, I am happy to
change it. Or remove it.
It's clear we won't converge rapidly on a specific choice, so I'd
suggest removing it so we can go quickly to a Last Call on this draft.

Actually, we could simply ask IANA to reserve a /32 prefix for documentation
purposes; it doesn't need an RFC.
I understand that this issue is not as sexy as site local addresses,
but there are people writing doc at this very moment.
They need to know which prefix to use.
They don't care much if it is 2000:0000::/32, 2000:0001::/32, 2000:0002::/32
or anything else, what they care is that something is decided.

I sincerely hope the IETF is not going to wait it's apparently normal 2.5 year
process to solve that simple issue. Please decide and decide quickly.

- Alain.

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