> > It should be SHOULD.  The M bit means "use" Tasteful.  The "O" bit
> means
> > use Stateful.  Two different contexts.  I was here when 
> they were put
> in
> > ND and recall why.  One reason is that not everyone 
> believed that just 
> > stateless was acceptable and that was vision on those persons part.
> We had a conclusive discussion off this point during the 
> interim WG meeting in Sunnyvale. The reasoning goes as 
> follow: if we want to maximize interoperability, we want to 
> have a single mandatory address configuration procedure, not 
> two; everybody agrees that we must support stateless address 
> configuration; thus we should make stateless mandatory, and 
> other configuration methods optional.

I was at the meeting.  I did not hear consensus for this at all or in
mail follow up or at Atlanta.  I don't believe all agree with this view
at all and I know all the users don't and all the vendors don't and all
on this list.  So what do you mean by all?

> This is properly reflected in section 5.3 (nodes MAY support 
> DHCPv6), in section 4.5.2 (MUST support stateless) and in the 
> current text of section 4.5.5, which is just fine.

The reason I did not object to that is because DHCPv6 had not reached
proposed standard I will have to think if I object to that now that you
bring it up.  But DHCPv6 is just one method of Statefull we know today,
and probably should be a MAY but now will think on that too.  So the two
references are orthognal. 

Besides M there is O bit.  That means use statefull for other
configuration and that is another issue.

The implementation of M and O bit should be a SHOULD.  I do not believe
we have consensus on the view you state above.  Nor do I believe that
all discussion points have been brought forth for such an important


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