> It should be SHOULD.  The M bit means "use" Tasteful.  The "O" bit
> use Stateful.  Two different contexts.  I was here when they were put
> ND and recall why.  One reason is that not everyone believed that just
> stateless was acceptable and that was vision on those persons part.

We had a conclusive discussion off this point during the interim WG
meeting in Sunnyvale. The reasoning goes as follow: if we want to
maximize interoperability, we want to have a single mandatory address
configuration procedure, not two; everybody agrees that we must support
stateless address configuration; thus we should make stateless
mandatory, and other configuration methods optional.

This is properly reflected in section 5.3 (nodes MAY support DHCPv6), in
section 4.5.2 (MUST support stateless) and in the current text of
section 4.5.5, which is just fine.

-- Christian Huitema

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