
Michel Py wrote:
> Bob / Margaret / Brian,
> > Bob Hinden & Margaret Wasserman wrote:
> > This is a one week IPv6 working group last call for comments
> > on advancing  the following document as a Proposed Standard:
> >  Title: IPv6 Flow Label Specification
> >  Author(s): J. Rajahalme, A. Conta, B. Carpenter, S. Deering
> The parts that I cared about have been preserved; it's a go for me.
> > The chairs belive this draft represents the consensus of the
> > working group and resolves issues raised during and subsequent
> > to the working group last call.  However given the time that
> > has elapsed we think a short working group last call is
> > desirable to verify the consensus before forwarding the
> > document to the IESG.
> Note: I have not been following this closely, so this might have been
> addressed already. If my memory is correct during one of the Atlanta
> meetings one of the authors (Brian Carpenter) had some concerns about
> the then-current text. Forgive me if I have missed it, I would like to
> hear from Brian if the concerns he had at the time have been addressed.
> The reason I am specifically interested in Brian's comments is because
> about the same time we were discussing the interactions between MHAP and
> flow control.

My concerns were handled in the various rounds between the authors
(mainly by taking stuff out, which is what the WG asked for anyway).

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