
Following up from the last call and the issues I raised, I'll try to 
propose something to start with to make the security considerations more 
in line with certain imporant issues.

Note: I'm assuming that the sentence:

   A source node MUST ensure that it does not reuse Flow Label values it
   is currently using or has recently used when creating new flows.

will be changed, at least to "unintentionally reuse".

Now, to the security considerations.

5.1  Theft and Denial of Service

   The goal of the Flow Label is to allow different levels of service to
   be provided for traffic streams on a common network infrastructure. A
   variety of techniques may be used to achieve this, but the end result
   will be that some packets receive different (e.g., better or worse)
   service than others. The mapping of network traffic to the flow-
   specific treatment is triggered by the IP addresses and Flow Label
   value of the IPv6 header, and hence an adversary may be able to
   obtain better service by modifying the IPv6 header or by injecting
   packets with false addresses and labels. Taken to its limits, such

==> false addresses _or_ labels.

   theft-of-service becomes a denial-of-service attack when the modified
   or injected traffic depletes the resources available to forward it
   and other traffic streams.

==> after this, add a new paragraph:

   Note that there is no guarantee that flow labels used in a node are
   not used in any manner the node wants to, even reusing flow labels.
   This is a feature: as nodes are typically untrusted, it cannot be 
   assumed that they would in fact implement or adhere to any restrictions 
   if such would be set -- and therefore any assumptions made by the 
   network on nodes' behaviour should be very limited except in 
   cases where the nodes are explicitly trusted.

==> and after the "Since flows.." paragraph, add paragraphs:

   There are two issues with different properties:
   spoofing of only Flow Label, and spoofing of the whole 3-tuple, 
   including Source and Destination Address.

   The former can be done inside a node which is using the correct source 
   address.  Being able to spoof Flow Label typically requires being in 
   position to also forge an address -- but in many cases, spoofing the 
   address may not be the interesting, especially if the spoofer's goal
   is theft of service, not denial of service.

   The latter can be done by a host which is not subject to ingress 
   filtering [INGR] or an intermediate router.  Due to its properties, 
   such is typically useful only for denial of service.

==> TODO: consider whether changes are needed (on ingress filtering) in 
the second-last paragraph.

Perhaps this should get one started.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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