
Please send text for what you think we should add to the security 

Personally, I see no reason why the ISP's trust model changes here. Most IP
header fields potentially used for QOS classification are forgeable. This
isn't a flow label problem, or an IPv6 problem, or even an IP problem.
It's a characteristic of connectionless datagrams.

All your other points really are not new issues, and we have been
working on the draft for more than a year to make it fit around
the various perspectives expressed in the WG. 


Pekka Savola wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> > Pekka Savola wrote:
> > >
> > > We may be treading into a very difficult situation (in some ways similar
> > > to why MIPv6 got pushback from the IESG, IMO), and to be pre-emptive, I'd
> > > really appreciate if folks would have a look at the particular issue (at
> > > the end of the mail) and think whether it is a problem or not.
> >
> > The flow label has been a forgeable field since IPSEC decided to leave
> > it outside the crypto calculation. I'd be very happy if this decision
> > could be reversed, since the field is immutable, but I don't think that
> > is realistic. IMHO the IESG would have no grounds for raising this now;
> > it derives automatically from ancient decsions.
> The use of IPsec seems irrelevant for the *ISP* as they can't verify it
> -- no help there.
> The problem is of trying to make untrusted end-nodes trusted to label the
> flows properly.  Changing IPsec will not help (except if you assume
> communication is to e.g. ISP's own servers, middleboxes etc.).
> > I agree that we should get a security person to look at your comments, but
> > unless anyone else supports your concern, it's my impression that you are
> > worrying about something we cannot change anyway.
> There are two most major issues here:
>  1) something we should change
>  2) something we must document if we cannot change
> I'm requiring at least 2).
> > The security considerations
> > simply document facts of life.
> Unfortunately, the security considerations as of now *does not* document
> these facts of life.  This is the biggest concern.
> Of course, I strongly also want to change the model slightly (e.g. the
> MUST requirement for nodes not to send out used flow lables), to make it
> the restrictions of the model clearer.  This does not yet fix the core
> problem, how the ISP can make anything of these labels -- trust them --
> but at least now the starting assumptions are closer to correct.
> The extreme case would be taking a full halt here for all of the flow
> label draft, working out the details, and only then publishing it.  I
> don't think this is correct approach for now.
> > > On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> > > > >    The 3-tuple of the Flow Label and the Source and Destination Address
> > > > >    fields enables efficient IPv6 flow classification, where only IPv6
> > > > >    main header fields in fixed positions are used.
> > > > >
> > > > > ==> this might require some extra analysis somewhere (not in that
> > > > > particular place, I think).  In particular, this seems to say that once
> > > > > this is published people can happily move to using the three-tuple
> > > > > classification.  The reality is probably quite different, and one must
> > > > > also consider the big portion of nodes which do not mark the flows.
> > > >
> > > > The goal of this document is not to describe use cases. It is
> > > > to set the minimum conditions hosts and routers must meet. I do
> > > > not believe we should add use cases to this document.
> > >
> > > I believe the original text does not give a realistic picture of the
> > > situation.
> > >
> > > For the purpose of minimum conditions, the text could be removed
> > > altogether, of course -- that would be fine by me.  I could also live with
> > > (by a thread :-) the current version, but I really believe it should be
> > > changed slightly.
> > >
> > > > >    To enable applications and transport protocols to define what packets
> > > > >    constitute a flow, the source node MUST provide means for the
> > > > >    applications and transport protocols to specify the Flow Label values
> > > > >    to be used with their flows.
> > > > >
> > > > > ==> this requirement seems unacceptable at the moment.  This clearly
> > > > > requires (at least) de-facto API so applications could set Flow Label
> > > > > values -- and as such does not exist.  If it did (and I believe there's
> > > > > work in progress), there would *have to be* a normative reference to it).
> > > > > So, clearly a MUST seems to a big no-no.
> > > >
> > > > But this is a statement about what hosts must do to make the flow label
> > > > useful.
> > >
> > > No, that's not correct, or either of us is misunderstanding the paragraph
> > > above (if so, a wording change is needed).
> > >
> > > The nodes (kernel, in particular) are able to mark flows by itself,
> > > without any interaction from the applications -- so having apps have a
> > > MUST possibility to influence the flow labeling is undoubtedly useful, but
> > > certainly not something requiring MUST, considering the current situation.
> > >
> > > Note: I'd argue for MUST myuself if we had had a standard (or even
> > > de-facto standard!) mechanism specified (and hopefully implemented) for 1
> > > year before this being sent to the IESG.
> > >
> > > > If you want to standardize a socket API extension that's fine,
> > > > the Open Group exists for that. However, I believe a MUST is needed.
> > >
> > > A MUST without a means is bad practise, IMO.
> > >
> > > > >    A source node MUST ensure that it does not reuse Flow Label values it
> > > > >    is currently using or has recently used when creating new flows. Flow
> > > > >    Label values previously used with a specific pair of source and
> > > > >    destination addresses MUST NOT be assigned to new flows with the same
> > > > >    address pair within 120 seconds of the termination of the previous
> > > > >    flow.
> > > > >
> > > > > ==> so, if I make create a raw socket, manually fiddle in the flow label
> > > > > value which was previously used, and send the packet, the operating system
> > > > > kernel should hijack it and prevent it from going out?  Get real.  Perhaps
> > > > > s/reuse/unintentionally reuse/, or some other rewording?
> > > >
> > > > Yes, the stack is supposed to do that. It's not hard. In an earlier version
> > > > we included an algorithm, but the WG wanted it removed, so we removed it.
> > >
> > > Yes, the stack can do it easily -- no doubt about that -- but it's
> > > *wrong*; this is connected to the security issue, below.
> > >
> > > > >    To enable co-existence of different methods in IPv6 nodes, the
> > > > >    methods MUST meet the following basic requirements:
> > > > >
> > > > > ==> this and the following points seem a little oddly placed in this memo:
> > > > > they seem out-of-place, as the rest of the memo seems to concentrate on
> > > > > entirely different issues.  Personally I view specifying how source nodes
> > > > > should label flows one thing, and the rest entirely another.  But I can
> > > > > live with these, even though I think they're more fit to a non-standards
> > > > > track document.
> > > >
> > > > Then you don't want a change here?
> > >
> > > I can live without it -- waiting to hear others' opinions -- but I think
> > > the source node behaviour is entirely different issue from the network
> > > treatment.
> > >
> > > > > 5.1  Theft and Denial of Service
> > > > >
> > > > > ==> this section mainly deals with issues relating to forging all of the
> > > > > source,destination,label three-tuple (exception is the last paragraph,
> > > > > which deals with a trusted-node-but-untrusted-user/application case),
> > > > > which protects mainly against a DoS attack (resource depletion).
> > > > >
> > > > > This seems to overlook the most important part: the typical model today is
> > > > > that operators perform differentiation of flows *themselves*: this
> > > > > document proposes to shift that, *over an administrative boundary*, to the
> > > > > source nodes, which suddenly become trusted to do the right thing.
> > > >
> > > > No, it adds the *labelling* of flows to the source, as a new capability.
> > >
> > > The labeling with current "service model" leads to differentiation.  I'll
> > > try to reword it again below.  If the "service model" would be such that
> > > the source node is *not* expected to label flows correctly, I'd certainly
> > > agree.
> > >
> > > > It says *nothing* about how differentiation is done. That is indeed
> > > > a separate and quite complex discussion, that will keep the QOS
> > > > community busy for years.
> > >
> > > I believe a bit similar arguments were on the table when mobileip working
> > > group proposed MIPv6 to the IESG, and it got pushed down, as "doesn't
> > > work, be more specific".  That was some 2-3 years ago, and only now MIPv6
> > > is nearing completion.
> > >
> > > I'd rather handle these kind of issues before IESG, if possible.
> > >
> > > The problems are different, but there seem to be some dangerous common
> > > elements.
> > >
> > > > The idea is to keep that discussion out
> > > > of the IPv6 WG, by defining the boundary conditions here, so that
> > > > the flow label becomes a viable tool for differentiation downstream.
> > >
> > > My fear is that false assumptions lead to wrong conclusions and broken
> > > tools, and wasted effort (both from IPv6 wg and especially from the
> > > follow-up wgs).
> > >
> > > > I think this was clear in the previous WG discussions.
> > >
> > > Unfortunately, the flood was so huge at a point that I couldn't keep up
> > > (because I didn't really even care, except whether WG would go on a course
> > > which seems really problematic, like now)
> > >
> > > > > This would be equivalent to replacing network ingress filtering (to drop
> > > > > packets with forged source addresses) to a requirement for nodes to allow
> > > > > out only packets which include their own source address.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > (By the way, do
> > > > you think nodes *should* be allowed to forge the source address?)
> > >
> > > I'll answer this first.
> > >
> > > The nodes certainly should be allowed (in the kernel level) to forge the
> > > source addresses: any model which forces this is broken.
> > >
> > > The reason for breakage is that such a model assumes that the nodes behave
> > > "properly".  For most cases, that is correct.  But because there is still
> > > a huge number of systems behaving differently, you cannot depend on it,
> > > and assuming it is being done would be wrong.
> > >
> > > The right (my humble POV, of course :-) answers to your question are:
> > >
> > > - no, the user privileged process on a node should not be able to set the
> > > source address (no problem today)
> > > - no, the *network* where the node is attached to should not allow the
> > > user to forge the source address (note: different administrative entity)
> > >
> > > > No. The checks can perfectly well be applied at ISP ingress.
> > >
> > > Yes, but as the first comment seems to show, in practise this checking
> > > would be de-facto removed for performance etc. reasons.
> > >
> > > > I did want to include more aggressive text about ingress
> > > > filtering, but in fact it would be out of place.
> > >
> > > I'm not sure which kind of text you're referring to, but IMO ingress
> > > filtering misses the biggest point.
> > >
> > > > > Needless to say this seems to indicate a major oversight of the
> > > > > security/operational reality.   I'd be very surprised if this was not
> > > > > pushed back in the IESG unless this caveat is very explicitly documented.
> > > >
> > > > I think your interpretation is quite wrong, but we can certainly ask a
> > > > security expert or two.
> > >
> > > Ok.
> > >
> > > To try to clarify what I meant, let me try to explain it again.
> > >
> > > Any model that requires that source nodes prevent the root/administrator
> > > from willingly doing something, and more or less *depending on that* is
> > > broken.
> > >
> > > Let me try to give an example.  When Windows XP was being published, some
> > > very popular magazines were writing about their belief that adding "raw
> > > sockets" functionality would be catastrophic for the Internet, degrade
> > > security as people could "now" send any kind of packets they'd want etc.
> > > The reality was entirely different.  Such can be done *anyway*, using
> > > other implementations, using different mechanisms to achieve the same
> > > goal, etc.
> > >
> > > This is a similar issue.  Given an *untrusted* node, specifying mechanisms
> > > which try to make the *untrusted* node do something you'd like to trust
> > > (to a rather full extent) seems *completely* bogus..
> > >
> > > Certainly, one should specify checks that user-mode applications MUST NOT
> > > be able to re-use flow labels within a lifetime, but that's entirely
> > > different from the approach in the draft.
> > >
> > > Certainly, this is a very problematic issue (which was thought to be
> > > solved later, in some other w.g.).  I'm not requiring it be solved here.
> > > But I'm requiring that we don't pass the problem on without stating *very*
> > > explicitly the issues why it might/might not work properly -- so that any
> > > followup efforts that might start to build QoS mechanisms on this would
> > > not start with an entirely different set of assumptions (easily leading to
> > > wrong conclusions and broken tools).
> > >
> > > I'm not sure if I managed to make the point any clearer, I hope so.
> > >
> > > I'd also really appreciate comment on this viewpoint (for or against :-)
> > > from everybody.
> > >
> > > Especially those with (ISP) operator [the "customer of the IETF" in this
> > > instance] or security background would be encouraged to speak up. :-)
> > >
> > > --
> > > Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
> > > Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
> > > Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings
> >
> --
> Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
> Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
> Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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