I'd vote for a MUST NOT in node requirements, if we can find a suitable
phrasing. It may well be violated by vendors, but it makes the situation


> After the today's decision with site local, is clear to me that we don't want to 
> have NAT happening again ;-)
> We know that the people will do it anyway, but we must do an effort to avoid is as 
> much as possible, and some ideas that could
> support this are:
> 1) Clearly show the advantages of end-to-end and no NAT model.
> 2) Have the specs indicating that an IPv6 node (host/router, whatever) MUST NOT 
> support NAT or equivalent mechanisms. Any
> interoperability/conformance test must fail if you fail to agree with this 
> specification. This should be a clear sign for the
> manufacturers to avoid supporting NATs.
> 3) Indicate that if someone wants to keep using NAT, should do it with IPv4.
> I'm not sure if the rest agree and what is the correct document to say this, may be 
> as part of the changes for the local-link
> deprecation ?
> Regards,
> Jordi
> *****************************
> Madrid 2003 Global IPv6 Summit
> 12-14 May 2003 - Register at:
> http://www.ipv6-es.com
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