> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alain Durand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 19 June 2003 17:07
> On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 03:56  AM, Robert Elz wrote:
> > It is generally harmless to own an extra address though, having the
> > statelessly configured one, as well as a dhcp supplied one 
> should not
> > cause any harm.
> Not sure. Two reasons:
>       - There may be filters in place, for example that only
>          allows DHCP assigned addresses to go out.
>          (this is not pure fantasy, I've heard people willing 
> to do just 
> that in hot spots).

Certainly it is not fantasy. Indeed I expect to become the norm for all
public access networks.

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