
I guess you missed the "more likely" part of my sentence.
I agree we don't have any standard wrt DNS registration of autoconfigured
addresses, and the current deployment practices show that it is a pain
to do it either manually or with dnsupdate (you have a key distribution problem),
so the reality is that they are seldom published and are not likely to resolve.

- Alain.

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 07:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- There are reverse DNS issues. They may point to 2 different names or
more likely, the stateless autoconfigured address won't resolve to
a name, where the DHCP one will. As default address selection does
not (yet?) say to prefer the DHCP one, logs and/or (very) weak
mechanisms based on DNS reverse lookup will work randomly.

we don't have any standard wrt DNS registration of autoconfigured addresses, so you can't say that "stateless autoconfigured addresse won't resolve to a name". the end node could register PTR record by DNS dynamic update, for instance.


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