Pekka Savola wrote:

On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, Andrew White wrote:

It's whether an application can assume that global addresses are never
filtered, and the answer is that it can't. Ergo, global addresses are
also scoped addresses.

There is a difference of a couple of degrees of magnitude here. Absolute
yes/no are irrelevant (because there is always some filtering); it's more
important to figure out the probability which results in the highest
percentage of getting it right at the first try, a good percentage of
doing well at the second if really needed etc.

Imagine a parallel universe where *all* addresses are "global". We can assume
that there will be plenty of "global" addresses that are filtered to reduce their
range of communication for the same reasons as people filter their networks

So, the *probability* of a random "global" address being usable for
communication will drop as a consequence of not partitioning the
"local" ones in their own little pig pen.

Worse still, there will be *no possibility* of receiving a hint that any particular
global address an application uses may be useless for communication outside
a local network.

Why would you choose to have no information?

- aidan

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