Mark Smith wrote:

Obviously it doesn't matter, but providing an explicit procedure to
generate the 'good enough' unique number that doesn't depend on one of
the EUI-48 values embedded in a device, will eliminate questions about
which is the best EUI-48 address to use from IPv6 mailing lists /
discussion forums, support lines etc, and possibly this mail list, even
when there is no best EUI-48 to use.

Doesn't exactly the same issue present itself with birthdays?
eg: Which is the best birthday to pick?  Mine or a descendents?
And all the unix guys will pick 1/1/1970.. ;-)

Having a procedure that can avoid asking the user to type anything in at all
(ie one that reads and EUI from a device) sounds like a good thing to me.

Using an EUI-48 also doubles the number of "unique" bits that are input
to the hash algorithm.  Birthdays are rounded to the day, regardless of
whether we represent them in 64bit NTP format.

The current time of day counter doesn't seem to me like it will generate
all that many unique bits either -- two (or more) routers configured around
the same time will have a whole lot of bits in common.

- aidan

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