I'll go for B, or perhaps A.9 (i.e. a version of B in which
we avoid recursive normative references between the two documents).

I don't think we help anyone by delaying the deprecation until a
new solution is "in operational practice." Deprecation doesn't mean
switching off; it just means a strong statement about future
switching off. So there is no reason to wait as in C.

Personally I would happily accept A, but it isn't worth a fight.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brian E Carpenter 
Distinguished Engineer, Internet Standards & Technology, IBM 


Bob Hinden wrote:
> [IPv6 working group chair hat on]
> I think the working group has been making good progress on replacing
> site-local addresses and wanted to get feed back from the working group on
> how we should move forward.  This is not intended to directly relate to the
> ongoing appeal of the working groups decision to deprecate the usage
> site-local addresses, but to get feedback on how to proceed.  I think it is
> very important that we move forward on this issue and not rehash what has
> happened in the past.
> We now have a combined local addressing requirements document
> <draft-hain-templin-ipv6-limitedrange-00.txt>, a specific alternative to
> site-local addresses draft <draft-hinden-ipv6-global-local-addr-02.txt>
> (accepted as a working group item at the Vienna IETF), and will soon have a
> draft describing why site-local addresses are being deprecated and doing
> the formal deprecation (authors identified and outline discussed at the
> Vienna IETF).  Note that all of these documents will proceed through the
> normal working group and IETF processes of last calls and review.
> I think legitimate questions have been raised about how the working group
> should go about deprecating site-local addresses given their maturity in
> the current specifications and use in deployed products.  Specifically
> should they be deprecated independently from having an alternative solution
> available, at the same time an alternative is available, or sometime after
> an alternative is available.  A forth alternative is to not replace
> site-local addresses in any form, but I think the working group has made it
> clear that this is not a reasonable alternative.
> I would like to hear from the working group on how we should proceed.  I
> think the choices are:
> A) Deprecate Site-Local addresses independently from having an alternative
> solution available.  This would mean that the working group should treat
> the deprecation, and requirements and solution documents outlined above
> independently from each other.  If there was no consensus on an alternative
> a replacement would not happen.
> B) Deprecate Site-Local addresses at the same time as a alternative
> solution is agreed to.  This would mean advancing both documents at the
> same time and making them include normative references to each other to
> insure that they were published at the same time.  This would result in the
> deprecation only happening if a consensus was reached on an alternative.
> C) Deprecate Site-Local addresses after an alternative is defined,
> standardized, and in operational practice.  This would mean not advancing a
> deprecation document until there was operational evidence that the
> alternative was working and shown to be an improvement over Site-Local
> addresses.
> Note:  In the above choices "Deprecate Site-Local addresses" means
> publishing an RFC that does the formal deprecation.
> Please respond to the list with your preference, or if there is an
> alternative approach that is an improvement from the ones I outlined.  I
> hope that many of you will respond.
> Thanks,
> Bob
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