
So you believe a disconnected network can simply use globals within a
site when no routers are present?  Note I do.  But I don't want
link-local used on multihomed or multisegment nodes as it won't work and
never will.  See attached diagram.  Either we tell all use globals or we
define some type of PI.  But what we cannot do is discuss it for the
next year leaving the market in limbo? 

I think that is why option A may be my vote if I keep seeing no
consensus to move with the two specs?

from templin/hain spec:

Link-local addresses in IPv6: "are designed to be used for addressing
   on a single link for purposes such as automatic address
   configuration, neighbor discovery, or when no routers are present"
   ([RFC3513], section 2.5.6). By definition, link-local addressing has
   a single link range of operation and will not meet this requirement.

This is so true in the document attached (pdf) duplicate link-locals
across L1 and L2 cause a real problem even if getaddinfo() interface %
command line option is used and creates security problem too.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 5:39 PM
> To: Alain Durand
> Subject: Re: Moving forward on Site-Local and Local Addressing
> FWIW, I wasn't there but I agree with Alain. I've
> never seen any compelling evidence that scope qua
> scope is what people actually need. And scope
> brings any number of architectural questions to
> the fore. I'd be much, much more comfortable
> having an up/down pronouncement on whether PI
> addressing is feasible before we march down this
> road. There are very wide implications of both and
> I think there's a tremendous amount of discomfort
> with the possibility that scope will result in a
> back door for NAT's to invade ipv6. I don't think
> that anybody wants that. Before we head that
> direction, I'd like to see PI addressing, in an
> RFC preferrably, pronounced a dead end.
>                Mike
> Alain Durand writes:
>  > 
>  > 
>  > Bob Hinden wrote:
>  > 
>  > > [IPv6 working group chair hat on]
>  > >
>  > > I think the working group has been making good progress 
> on replacing 
>  > > site-local addresses and wanted to get feed back from 
> the working 
>  > > group on how we should move forward.  This is not 
> intended to directly 
>  > > relate to the ongoing appeal of the working groups decision to 
>  > > deprecate the usage site-local addresses, but to get 
> feedback on how 
>  > > to proceed.  I think it is very important that we move 
> forward on this 
>  > > issue and not rehash what has happened in the past.
>  > >
>  > > We now have a combined local addressing requirements document 
>  > > <draft-hain-templin-ipv6-limitedrange-00.txt>, a 
> specific alternative 
>  > > to site-local addresses draft 
>  > > <draft-hinden-ipv6-global-local-addr-02.txt> (accepted 
> as a working 
>  > > group item at the Vienna IETF), and will soon have a 
> draft describing 
>  > > why site-local addresses are being deprecated and doing 
> the formal 
>  > > deprecation (authors identified and outline discussed at 
> the Vienna 
>  > > IETF).  Note that all of these documents will proceed 
> through the 
>  > > normal working group and IETF processes of last calls 
> and review.  > >  > > I think legitimate questions have been 
> raised about how the working 
>  > > group should go about deprecating site-local addresses 
> given their 
>  > > maturity in the current specifications and use in 
> deployed products.  
>  > > Specifically should they be deprecated independently 
> from having an 
>  > > alternative solution available, at the same time an 
> alternative is 
>  > > available, or sometime after an alternative is 
> available.  A forth 
>  > > alternative is to not replace site-local addresses in 
> any form, but I 
>  > > think the working group has made it clear that this is not a 
>  > > reasonable alternative. 
>  > 
>  > I have a real problem here. As I commented in Vienna and 
> is mentioned in 
>  > the minutes,
>  > the entire process this wg is going through is wrong as it 
> is based on a 
>  > flawed logic.
>  > 
>  > We had site local addresses. After lengthy debates, the wg 
> realized that 
>  > there were
>  > a number of significant issues that outweighed the 
> reported benefits, so 
>  > there
>  > is an attempt to deprecate them. Until now, fine.
>  > 
>  > Now, some people convinced the wg that SL addresses were 
> having a role  > that is not fulfilled by provider aggregated 
> addresses. Fine again.  > 
>  > Then, we have a  'requirement' document that pretend to 
> explain why we need  > 'local' addresses. If you read it 
> carefully, and as acknowledged by one 
>  > of its main
>  > author in Vienna, almost all of those requirements (if not 
> all) would be 
>  > fulfilled
>  > by provider independent addresses. Actually, there is 
> nothing in it that  > explain why we need 'local range' 
> addresses. The essence of those  > requirements is in the 
> need for stable addresses that are  > independent from ISPs.  > 
>  > So using this document (I checked the new combined one, it 
> is the same 
>  > issue)
>  > to justify introducing "local" addresses and doing so 
> without clearly  > understanding the impact of those "ranged" 
> addresses on the architecture  > and the current 
> implementation is a flawed process.  > In particular, we need 
> to understand the impact on address selection,  > and the 
> layer violation that would be created by coupling DNS views & 
>  > routing.
>  > 
>  > IMHO, what need to happen is the following:
>  > 
>  > -1. Make an in-depth study of the consequences of introducing
>  >       addresses with different ranges.
>  > 
>  > -2. Realize that if the issue at stake here has more to do 
> with getting 
>  > addresses
>  >       than with their actual scope/range, something probably can be
>  >       done working with the registries. It might be a cheaper path
>  >       than changing the protocols. After all, IPv6 
> addresses are plentiful,
>  >       we should have easy access to them!
>  > 
>  > What to do with Site Local addresses in the meantime is a 
> non issue for me.  > 
>  >     - Alain.
>  > 
>  > 
>  > 
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> IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
> IPng Home Page:                      http://playground.sun.com/ipng
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Attachment: link_local_multi_segment_example.pdf
Description: link_local_multi_segment_example.pdf

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