
But you miss the point in logic that we do not want SLs as currently
defined and major bug in IPv6.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michel Py [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 6:14 PM
> To: Jordi Palet Martinez; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Moving forward on Site-Local and Local Addressing
> Jordi,
> > Jordi wrote:
> > I see your point, but my feeling is that we can only go to the last 
> > step (of the IETF process) IF it make sense (running code, 
> and then it 
> > means no-brainer), that means that B is fine, but for the 
> same reason, 
> > I can live with C (in theory, B and C are then the same 
> solution) ;-).
> I see your point too; however,
> The difference between B and C is:
> - with B, if the solution proves impossible to develop, we 
> have a failure.
> - with C, if the solution proves possible to develop, we have 
> wasted time.
> As many things, it's a matter of risk management, speed with 
> a risk or slowness without one. The reason I like C better is 
> because I have the feeling that if there was a no-brainer 
> solution that would make B worth the risk someone would have 
> invented it a long time ago. If we were not able to fix 
> site-locals I wonder where the silver bullet to replace them is.
> As Tony pointed out, design engineers for large networks do 
> not design on vaporware. If I can't simulate a solution on a 
> 20-router lab, it ain't going in my network design and I 
> stick with site-locals. Which also means that once the design 
> goes to large-scale deployment there is no way back for at 
> least 5 years, which in turn means that router vendor "C" 
> (yes, the one you are thinking about) is going to keep 
> supporting site-locals because they want to keep my business.
> The question is, do we want to define standards or to we want 
> to encourage the development of proprietary standards? For 
> the record, I use ISL, EIGRP and HSRP; I won't have a problem 
> using vendor "C" site-locals.
> Michel.
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