> The application layer wants to see stability, and that is fine. The
> transport layer and below deal with the reality of shifting topology.
> What we need is a formal layer between transport & applications that
> provides the illusion of stability up, while managing the reality of
> constant changes below. I specifically used the term stabilization
> layer, because 'session' appears to be a loaded term. I really don't
> care what we call it, but it appears to logically exist between layers
> 4 & 7, because that is where the demands/reality differ. 

No, it doesn't follow.

I demand that my country enforce the freedoms guaranteed in the US
Constitution; in particular the rights of freedom of speech, freedom
from unreasonable searches, equal treatment of people regardless of
race, etc.

Reality is that in many areas, local policemen deny people those rights
on a daily basis.

By your logic, what would be needed is a layer in between citizens and
their local policemen to make it look like those rights were in fact
being preserved even though they weren't.

In fact, the correct place to fix the problem isn't there - nor is it
necessarily helpful to directly attack the local police.  The problem
has to be fixed at the higher layers that are responsible for
condoning or even promoting such abuse.

(It might not be the best analogy, but it's the one that came
immediately to mind.  The point is that it's erroneous to assume that
the place where problems are experienced is the place where they need to
be fixed.)


You are arbitrarily calling network conditions "reality" without
recognizing application needs as "reality".  This may be why you persist
in thinking that the problem can be fixed by creating an "illusion".
What we need is not illusion, but to rearrange functionality so that
there is a good match between what the network provides and what
applications need.

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