Hi Fred,

I did a quick comparison with my set of comments, and I am happy. :-)

Just one minor point.

I had asked for adding text that would make it mandatory for each proposal to
include statistical analysis for 

        1) Probability of collision when "x" networks are merged, when "n"
addresses have been chosen from the address space of "m" values.

        2) Probability to choose a duplicate address after "a" addresses have
been chosen from the address space of "m".

I see you have added a sentence stating that proposals should include
statistical analysis. Is there any reason why you do not want to include the
above two points? 


> OK, let's try this again. I have just posted a new version of the
> hain/templin
> draft to the I-D registrar that includes updates based on change suggestions
> from the wg discussion. (Special thanks to those who sent comments.) While
> we await the I-D action announcement, the new version can be found at:
>   http://www.geocities.com/osprey67/limitedrange-02.txt
> I believe this version should address most of the concerns brought up during
> the discussions and thus clear the way for the document becoming a wg item.
> Otherwise, please send specific comments as to what still needs to change.
> Fred

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