Narayanan, Vidya writes:
> The requirement is quite simple and you just seem to ignore it or
> provide unacceptable alternatives.  The handoff latency must be good

What handoff? We are talking about resumption, not handoff. I do not
consider those same.

Or then I understand completely wrong what handoff is, and what
resumption is.

For me handoff is when you have active connection to one place, and
then you want to move that connection to another place without
interrupting the communications.

Resumption is when we have connection that was disconnected
temporarely because of some reason, and we want to resume it after
some period of time.

Their requirements are very different and if we are really making
standard for handoff, then our protocol would be different.

> enough to support VoIP like applications and the handoff may imply
> needing an IPsec session between the mobile and a network entity (be
> it a VPN or for MIP6 channel security).  You claim that in such
> scenarios, IPsec should be used all the time, even on the interfaces
> that don't require it for security purposes - so, even if the device
> is not running MIP6 until it moves to the new interface, it now
> needs to establish an IPsec session.

I am not claiming it should be used all the time, but I am claiming
that if you are planning to start to use IPsec again you should not
first tear down your non-IPsec connection while you set up the IPsec
connection. You should keep the old connection alive and then when you
have IPsec connection ready, then you move your traffic to that
connection requiring IPsec.

I do not really belive you get very good handoff with break before
make methods on any networks. 

> However, this is not acceptable for various reasons (including that
> operators are not interested in maintaining IPsec sessions for all
> devices just in case it roams at some point).

They do not need to maintaing IPsec session for all devices for all
time, they need to resume them about 10-100ms before they are actually
required, i.e. before they break their old connection.

One dropped packet on the IPsec resume is going to cause several times
longer delay than one round trip.

It is bed idea to design system so it does not tolerate even single
lost packet. 

> Also, designing for a fixed set of interfaces is a problem - it may
> not always be 3G and WiFi - it could be 3G and WiMAX; it could be 3G
> infrastructure and 3G Femto; it could be 3G infrastructure and 3G
> multi-hop, etc. In many of these cases, handoffs don't happen using
> a single radio operating in multi-mode.

Then when you decide you are going to roam to network that requires
IPsec, you can resume the IPsec connection using the old connection
(even when it is unneeded there), and then you have IPsec connection
which you can move to new network with single round trip protocol.

With WiFi the network setup time is usually much longer than one round
trip. In devices I normally use (laptop, pda etc) the device requires
about 3-10 seconds to get network up and working (turning radio on,
finding basestation, connecting to basestation, getting IP-address via
DHCP etc). I have not ever seen wlan that would work so fast that it
would be enough for VoIP handoffs.

I do not know about WiMAX, but at least my 3G cellular phone usually
takes about 1-2 seconds to create data connection (i.e. when I select
which "internet" connection to use to the time when it actually starts
loading the page) and it seemed to take about one more second before
the packet it sent out actually reaching my server.

Adding 20-40 ms for one more round trip time to that does not really
affect the big picture. On the other hand if you can do network setup
while still keeping old connection alive, then you can also do the
resumption and the one round trip during that time too.

Can you explain me on what kind of devices you can really do handoff
to new network with break and make method?

> > So what is the exact problem there?
> The fundamental issue is that MIP6, using the K bit, allows the IP
> address on the IKE SA to change, thereby accomplishing the MOBIKE
> functionality and also conflicting with it if it ran together.

When using MOBIKE you should not use the K-bit (if that is what I
think it is), but you should just leave the IP-address handling of the
IKE and IPsec to MOBIKE.

The MOBIKE was meant to be used as building tool for MIP6, i.e. it
still requires MIP6 to start using it, i.e. there should have been
separate document specifying how to use MOBIKE and MIP6 together.

It never assumed it would solve the MIP6 problem directly, it assumed
that MIP6 and MOBIKE could together be used to solve the problem.

> Please read the thread on "MOBIKE and MIP6" on the MIP6 mailing list
> from back in 2006 if you are interested in more details.

I have not really been interested in MIP6, after I showed them how
MIP6 and IPsec can easily used together without any modifications to
either MIP6 or IPsec, but they said that solution was not what they
specified, so they are not going to use it (and that solution
presented at that time, would work perfectly with MOBIKE now).

> The conclusion was that a scenario of using MOBIKE and MIP6 between
> the same two endpoints must be avoided.

So I assume nobody has yet specified how to use MIP6 and MOBIKE
together, but instead MIP6 still want to use their modified version of

> Well, the current approach for designing it for known air interfaces
> that some of us may be familiar with and some models where multiple
> interfaces need to simultaneously be active is certainly not going
> to help it.  We might as well say that this is not meant for
> addressing the mobility use cases.

Charter or draft does not say anything about resumption to be aimed
for mobility use cases. I do not say it should not be one possible use
case, but again it is hard to decide which optimizations to take when
we do not have common idea where this protocol is meant for.

As I still do not know where resumption is really meant for, I cannot
really say what kind of protocol it should be.

> > Most of the DoS attackers are not wanting to get something meaningful
> > in return. I still think we need to design protocols so they are
> > secure against such attacks.
> > 
> I'm really surprised by this.  A good threat analysis should
> determine the likelihood and impact of an attack and likelihood
> largely depends on the attacker's incentive.

And where can I find this "good threat analysis"?

As you did ignore my point that this sitution can happen also without
any attacker, by just in normal use with misconfigured networks. 

> If the incentive doesn't exist or is not meaningful, the likelihood
> is generally low, causing the attack to be of low importance.

It is really hard to imagine what kind of incentive could DoS
attackers have in general.

They could be just pissed of with some operator charging too much
money for their phone calls, and they could try to make that operators
networks perform badly. If the network is really set up using
break-before-make connections (which I still do not belive anybody
would really use), they can cause two drops by just first luring
network user to wrong network and stealing ticket, and second break
when network user tries to use the already consumed ticket later.

I.e. they just set up WLAN basestation sending out station id which
matches the operators allowed WLAN network. When user roams to that
network, it will not get connection at all, thus his phone call
breaks. User has still already sent out the ticket to the network,
which was stolen by the attacker, and attacker uses that ticket to
destroy the state from the SGW side.

Now when client moves back to cellular network (after detecting that
WLAN it tried to move to didn't offere serivce), everything works
fine, until it finally reaches the proper WLAN and tries to move to
that. Now the ticket is already used, and instead of the unacceptable
1 RT, he actually now have 3 round trips + Diffie-Hellman time, which
is by your definition unacceptable for VoIP handoffs.

Of course as attacker does not want to make active transmissions
himself, he will rather make virus attacking phones and pdas, which
will set up the attack, i.e turn on the WLAN on the phone and starts
faking to be basestation, and forwarding the ticket packets forward,
but dropping all others.
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