The 4th paragraph of section 3.3 says "If an algorithm that combines encryption 
and integrity protection is proposed, it MUST be proposed as an encryption 
algorithm and an integrity protection algorithm MUST NOT be proposed." This 
means that an integrity protection algorithm can only be proposed with a 
Transform ID equal to NONE, given that a few paragraphs above, it says: 
"Combined-mode ciphers include both integrity and encryption in a single 
encryption algorithm, and are not allowed to be offered with a separate 
integrity algorithm other than "none"." We should thus make this clear in the 
4th paragraph.

HOWEVER, in section 3.3.2, in the table for transform types, it says:
   Integrity Algorithm (INTEG)     3       IKE*, AH, optional in ESP
  (*) Negotiating an integrity algorithm is mandatory for the
  Encrypted payload format specified in this document. For example,
  [AEAD] specifies additional formats based on authenticated
  encryption, in which a separate integrity algorithm is not
The second sentence seems wrong. Proposed rewording:
  For example,
  [AEAD] specifies additional formats based on authenticated
  encryption, in which the integrity algorithm is an inherent
  part of the combined algorithm; in this case, the
  integrity algorithm is specified as "none".

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
IPsec mailing list

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