This draft proposes an extensibility framework for WESP, as well as several 
specific extensions.

Proposed starting point:

Please reply to the list:

- If this proposal is accepted as a WG work item, are you committing to review 
multiple versions of the draft?

- Are you willing to contribute text to the draft?

- Would you like to co-author it?

Please also reply to the list if:

- You believe this is NOT a reasonable activity for the WG to spend time on.

If this is the case, please explain your position. Do not explore the fine 
technical details (which will change anyway, once the WG gets hold of the 
draft); instead explain why this is uninteresting for the WG or for the 
industry at large. Also, please mark the title clearly (e.g. "DES40-export in 
IPsec - NO!").

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