I've finished my read through the draft.  Note that I didn't give much 
scrutiny to the Config or EAP payloads, but I've read over everything 
else.  A few more comments:

1) There are excessive spaces on the second lines of these list items in 
section 2.23:

     - If the server is behind a NAT, substitute the IP address in the
       TSr  entries with the remote address of the IKE SA.

     - If the client is behind a NAT, substitute the IP address in the
        TSi entries with the local address of the IKE SA.

2) In section 3.3, this sentence: "If an algorithm that combines 
encryption and integrity protection is proposed, it MUST be proposed as an 
encryption algorithm and an integrity protection algorithm MUST NOT be 
proposed." seems to apply to all protocols, including IKE, and it is more 
strict than what we'd agreed to for ticket #122.  It is also more strict 
than the "MAY" in section 3.3.3.  Speaking of ticket #122, the updated 
text for that ticket is somehow missing in this draft.

3) In section 3.6: "Certificate payloads SHOULD be included in an exchange 
if certificates are available to the sender unless the peer has indicated 
an ability to retrieve this information from elsewhere using an 
HTTP_CERT_LOOKUP_SUPPORTED Notify payload."  This sentence is incoherent 
-- I think if the HTTP_... notify was sent you'd still include a 
certificate payload, it just wouldn't hold a certificate.  I'm probably 
not the best person to suggest alternative wording, but perhaps something 
like "Certificate payloads SHOULD be used to send entire certificates if 
they are ..."

4) Section 3.10.1 -- we should remember to remove "{{ Demoted the SHOULD 
}}" before publication.

5) Section 3.13.1, extraneous capitalization:

   o  Selector Length - Specifies the length of this Traffic Selector
      Substructure including the header.

6) Section 3.13.1, could probably use a little tweaking to replace 
references to "ICMP" with "ICMP, ICMPv6 and MIPv6".  Also, the paragraph 
containing "This document does not specify how to represent the 'MH Type' 
field ..." actually goes on to specify just that.

7) Section 3.14, "The Encrypted Payload, if present in a message, MUST be 
the last payload in the message.  Often, it is the only payload in the 
message."  Out of curiosity, do we know of any cases where this payload is 
not the only payload in the message?  It strikes me as odd to allow for 
some payloads prior to this one to be integrity protected but not 
encrypted.  I suppose since RFC 4306 allows it we don't have a lot of 
wiggle room here.

8) Section 4, "Every implementation MUST be capable of responding to an 
INFORMATIONAL exchange, but a minimal implementation MAY respond to any 
INFORMATIONAL message with an empty INFORMATIONAL reply."  Is that true 
even if the INFORMATIONAL request contained a Delete payload for a Child 

9) Appendix D -- we need to fill this in.

Scott Moonen (smoo...@us.ibm.com)
z/OS Communications Server TCP/IP Development

Yaron Sheffer <yar...@checkpoint.com>
"ipsec@ietf.org" <ipsec@ietf.org>
12/10/2009 04:05 AM
[IPsec] Working Group LC: draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2bis-06 (yes, IKEv2-bis!)

This is to begin a 4 week working group last call for 
draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2bis-06. The target status for this document is 
Proposed Standard, obsoleting RFC 4306 and RFC 4718.
Please send your comments to the ipsec list by Jan. 5, 2010, as follow-ups 
to this message.
This is a large document, and arguably the most important document this WG 
is entrusted with. The LC period is longer than usual but will include 
vacation time for most of us. Nevertheless, please make an effort to 
review the entire document, or at least large portions of it. Feel free to 
post multiple partial reviews.
In this particular case, we are starting the review with a few open issues
. We will make an effort to close them during the WG LC period.
As a reminder regarding the document’s scope (and our constraints while 
reviewing it), I will quote from my mail of Aug. 2008:
General: The goal of the IKEv2 bis document is to clarify the protocol. 
The goal is not to extend it. Specifically:
* The document will combine RFC 4306 (IKEv2) and RFC 4718 (IKEv2 
clarifications), but no other RFCs.
* The document will add clarifications based on the community's deployment 
* It is OK to correct minor technical errors and contradictions in the 
source documents. Any such corrections will be pointed out explicitly - 
preferably in an appendix (so that people using the old documents can scan 
it to discover problem areas).
* The document will not add any "nice to have" extensions, no matter how 
much technical sense they make.
Please clearly indicate the position of any issue in the Internet Draft, 
and if possible provide alternative text. Please also indicate the nature 
or severity of the error or correction, e.g. major technical, minor 
technical, nit, so that we can quickly judge the extent of problems with 
the document.
The document can be accessed here:
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