Raj Singh writes:
> I agree with Tero explanation and Valery objection as well.
> There is discrepancy between 3.5 and 4.

Not really. Not all requirements needs to be in one place. One place
can say that XXX is required and another place can say that also YYY
is required, but only if doing ZZZ. 

> 1. Section 4 mandates certificates but section 3.5 doesn't.

Section 3.5 does not and should not say anything about certificates,
it just lists which ID types there are which of them needs to be

> 2. Its seen in practice that some implementation uses IP addresses as
> default ID even though they are
> using certificate based authentication or they are behind NAT.

And this is allowed and section 3.5 sees that ID_IPV4_ADDR support is
madantory (and ID_IPV6_ADDR is mandatory for IPv6-capable

Nothing in the section 4 claims otherwise, so they are still mandatory
to accept from the other end. 

On the other hand section 4 does not require ID_IPV*_ADDR address to
be one of those which can be configured to be used and it adds one
more requirement compared to what section 3.5 said i.e. it says that
if PKIX certifiates are used then implementations need to also needto
be able to use ID_DER_ASN1_DN.

> This should is NO use as explained by Tero and should be discouraged in
> draft and proper ID types i.e. ID_DER_ASN1_DN for
> certificate based authentication should be encouraged.
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