{fat fingers let previous email got away too soon, ignore}

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Hanna <sha...@juniper.net> writes:
    Stephen> I think that Michael is asking an important question. There
    Stephen> are many ways to solve the P2P VPN problem. One way is to
    Stephen> have satellites with little configuration that connect to
    Stephen> core gateways with lots of dynamic information. A core
    Stephen> gateway (a "hub" in Michael's parlance) can download things
    Stephen> to a satellite (maybe a new SPD and PAD, credentials,
    Stephen> etc.), thus causing some traffic from the satellite to be
    Stephen> sent to a different core gateway or satellite. In that
    Stephen> circumstance, I think Michael's question is about whether
    Stephen> the core gateway that a satellite initially connects (which
    Stephen> I'll call the "initial core gateway") to should be expected
    Stephen> to have or obtain all the information needed to configure
    Stephen> the satellite or whether the initial core gateway can send
    Stephen> the satellite to another core gateway where it can get more
    Stephen> information. At least, that's how I understand Michael's
    Stephen> question. Perhaps he can affirm or deny this
    Stephen> interpretation.

You got my question correctly.

I'm gonna add a diagram so that everyone can agree.  (Those of you with
mailers that ignore text/plain; format=fixed, you need to copy this
email to Wordpad/vi, or it will be munged by your RFC-ignorant
vendor. Oh, I'll paste it into the ticket too)

In the requirements document, I think that we need establish some
nomenclature, such as "hub".  and "initial hub", or "core", as you wish.

Given that goal of this is to go from hub+spoke (generalized to
trunk+feeder.. In my spare time I'm actually a transit expert. True story)

  A                                                        B
   \                                                      /
    \                                                    /
     \                                                  /
      +----+    trunk1    +------+    trunk2     +-----+
      | H1 |==============|  H2  |===============|  H3 |
      +----+              +------+               +-----+
     /                            \
    /                              \
   C                                D

Leaf A has traffic of leaf B.  It would otherwise go via Hub1(H1), Hub2,
and Hub3.

Thanks to our new Private Elastic Cloud On-Demand (PECOD) protocol,
magic will happen.  The question, *AT THE REQUIREMENTS* phase, is
whether a solution such as:

step1, H1 tells A that H2 is closer:

  A                                                        B
   \.....................                                 /
    \                    \                               /
     \                    \                             /
      +----+    trunk1    +------+    trunk2     +-----+
      | H1 |==============|  H2  |===============|  H3 |
      +----+              +------+               +-----+
     /                            \
    /                              \
   C                                D

step2, H2 tells A where B is:

   \.....................                                 /
    \                    \                               /
     \                    \                             /
      +----+    trunk1    +------+    trunk2     +-----+
      | H1 |==============|  H2  |===============|  H3 |
      +----+              +------+               +-----+
     /                            \
    /                              \
   C                                D

open question whether when H1 told A about H2, whether it in fact told 
A about *all* of the topology that H1 knew about H2, or just about A.
Would traffic from A to D go via H2 after step1, or would traffic to D
continue to go via H1/H2?

This speaks to requirements, because if H1 needs to know where B is,
then we need to have a protocol along trunk1 and trunk2 that permits the
information about where B is to be communicated.  

]       He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] m...@sandelman.ottawa.on.ca http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device driver[
   Kyoto Plus: watch the video <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzx1ycLXQSE>
                       then sign the petition. 

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