On Jun 7, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Paul Wouters wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Jun 2012, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>>> * Use IKE over TCP. Looking at the IANA registry ([2]) TCP port 500 is 
>>> already allocated to "ISAKMP". We have had IKE running over TCP for several 
>>> years for remote access clients. This was done because remote access 
>>> clients connect from behind some very dodgy NAT devices, and some of those 
>>> do drop fragments. Getting this behavior at the ISP is novel.
>> * Use IKE over TCP only after IKE over UDP fails during transmission of a 
>> packet >512 bytes. That would be interoperable with current deployments 
>> (although they would not see the second attempt, of course), it costs 
>> little, and is trivial to implement.
> Is that compatible with some vendor's tcp port 10000 implementation?

Why should I care about that completely non-standard use? Seriously.

> Also, if we are doing this, I'd prefer to be able to signal which tcp
> port to use, to make it more flexible to bypass port 500 blocks (which
> is part of the tcp 10000 implementation I believe)

That seems fine to me. However, assuming that a firewall that blocks TCP/500 
will not block TCP/somerandomnewnumber is not wise.

--Paul Hoffman

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