On Jun 8, 2012, at 1:01 AM, Paul Hoffman wrote:

> On Jun 7, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Yoav Nir wrote:
>> On Jun 7, 2012, at 7:15 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>>>> * Use IKE over TCP. Looking at the IANA registry ([2]) TCP port 500 is 
>>>> already allocated to "ISAKMP". We have had IKE running over TCP for 
>>>> several years for remote access clients. This was done because remote 
>>>> access clients connect from behind some very dodgy NAT devices, and some 
>>>> of those do drop fragments. Getting this behavior at the ISP is novel.
>>> * Use IKE over TCP only after IKE over UDP fails during transmission of a 
>>> packet >512 bytes. That would be interoperable with current deployments 
>>> (although they would not see the second attempt, of course), it costs 
>>> little, and is trivial to implement.
>> This is possible, but since UDP is not reliable, you'd have to retransmit 
>> several times before giving up on UDP. Even if we shorten the "at least a 
>> dozen times over a period of at least several minutes", it's still long 
>> enough for users to feel - get the "connection with Exchange lost" message 
>> in Outlook, for example. 
> Good point.
>> You could begin both UDP (first IKE message) and TCP's 3-way handshake at 
>> the same time. If the 3-way handshake completed in time, the larger packets 
>> would go over that connection. If not, they would go over TCP.
> Yuck. But possibly the right answer.
>> But all this is implementation-specific details. I'm more interested in 
>> hearing whether others are seeing this (I would guess yes, otherwise Cisco 
>> would not have developed the IKE fragments), and on whether there is 
>> interest in the group in an IKE-over-TCP draft.
> Please consider "IKE-with-TCP-and-UDP" before "IKE-over-TCP".

I think we can accommodate different implementations by requiring:
 - that initiator MAY switch back and forth between TCP and UDP
 - that responder MUST respond in the same transport where the request arrived
 - that responder must not depend on all requests for a particular flow coming 
through the same transport. For example, it's perfectly acceptable for the 
first request of Main Mode to come over UDP, while the next two come over TCP.

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