Hmm, I think this may be getting too far off-topic for IPSec, since IKE mostly 
uses ephemeral keys ...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Harkins []
> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 5:02 PM
>   That's interesting. Your paper "Validating EC Public Keys" (Antipa,
> Brown, Menezes, Struik and Vanstone) says in section 3 that the
> steps to validate an EC public key, W=(xw, yw), are:
>   1. W != infinity
>   2. xw and yw are properly represented elements of the finite field
>   3. W satisfies the defining equation of the curve; and
>   4. nW = infinity
> It then says that "if h=1, then condition 4 is implied by the other
> three conditions. In some protocols the check that nW = infinity may
> either be embedded in the protocol computations or replaced by the
> check that hW != infinity."

[DB] Sorry about that mistake in the paper.  That paper was mostly about 
skipping the check number 3, not step 4.

>   Can you explain why hQ != infinity is insufficient and not equivalent
> to nQ = infinity?

[DB] I should first correct myself when I said "insufficient for security".  
This only really applies for very large h, which would be a very unusual case. 

Now suppose that G has order n and H has order h.  Then Q=G+H has order hn, not 
h.  In particular, it would pass the simpler test of hQ != inf.  

Suppose s is a static private key s, and P = sG is the corresponding public 

The shared secret is s applied to Q is Z = sQ = sG + sH = P + sH.  Therefore, Z 
is confined to a small set, and can leak information about s, which is the main 
security problem.

So, log_2(h) bits of the private key can be leaked.  For most curves, h is 
small, and this is not too big a deal.  

Anyway, the hQ != infinity test is not equivalent to the nQ = infinity test. 

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