> On 31 Aug 2016, at 3:21 PM, Tero Kivinen <kivi...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Mirja Kuehlewind (IETF) writes:
>> thanks for the reply. Very helpful background info. Maybe even put
>> more information in the charter text. 
> I think it belongs to the actual draft, not to the charter, perhaps we
> should put the draft-ietf-ipsecme-tcp-encaps in the charter, as
> a working draft. 
>> When you say "the 3gpp specification did not consider or specify all
>> needed things for the protocol“, can you be more specific here?
> 3GPP just said that we make TCP tunnel, put 16-bit length header in
> front telling the length of the IKE or ESP packet coming after that,
> and then we put either ESP packet directly, or 4-bytes of zeros
> (Non-ESP marker we use in UDP encapsulation) and IKE packet.
> There is also keepalive timer sending packets over TCP to keep it
> alive (again similar what we have in UDP).

One more bit of information: some vendors have had a non-standardized version 
of this or something similar for years. My employer has had it since 2003, 
except that the header is a bit different. The pretty ubiquitous SSL VPNs do 
pretty much the same except that they encrypt IP packets plus headers into TLS 
records rather than ESP packets before streaming them over TCP.

Perhaps “TCP tunnel” is a misleading term because the TCP does not tunnel. That 
is part of the function of ESP. Perhaps we should be saying “TCP streaming of 
ESP and IKE packets”

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