Robert Moskowitz <> wrote:
    > At some point I am going to need one, as 8005 references IPSECKEY for
    > its RR and I am using EdDSA for the tm-rid work.

I was surprised at the 8005 reference to IPSECKEY, since it seemed wrong that
a IPSECKEY RR would point at some machine that was going to answer with HIP
and not IKEv2...  but now I see that you have your own RR, but share the
algorithm numbers with IPSECKEY.

It seems that your tm-rid work can just amend this IANA registry.
If you had a WG, you could ask for an early allocation.  I don't think that
the IPSEC WG chairs could ask for an early allocation for you at this point,

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
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