* Mark Townsley

> On Oct 10, 2013, at 4:56 PM, Geoff Huston wrote:
>> I have not gathered data on Teredo-to-Teredo reliability. The
>> connection failure numbers quoted above make use of a Teredo Relay.
>> But this teredo-to-teredo connection failure rate in the Internet
>> appears to be a critical assumption here for this form of connection
>> architecture.
> This does sound like something you could do with your measurement
> architecture. Just a little tweak here and there. Any chance of that?

I'm actually not so sure about that. p2p is a very different thing than
a controlled measurement of client connectivity to a known good web
server - even if that web server is on a Teredo address.

In this p2p case both ends may well be behind a stack of NATs each with
their own unique set of limitations and peculiarities. The whole
environment is anything but controlled.

So the question isn't whether or not Teredo is reliable per se, it's
more interesting to ask if it is more or less reliable than the current
STUN stuff in the Xbox 360 - and whether or not *that* is reliable to
begin with.
https://www.google.no/search?q=xbox+360+nat+type+moderate+strict seems
to answer that with "not at all"... I doubt Teredo is a whole lot
better, but I suspect it's as good as it gets on the IPv4 internet today.


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