On 2003-10-21 at 03:16, Michel Py wrote:

> True, but Teredo is both the best friend and the worst enemy of IPv6.
> The best friend because it does indeed enable app developers to develop
> IPv6-only apps before IPv6 is largely deployed at ISPs. The worst enemy
> because if IPv6-only apps work good enough over Teredo, consumers will
> no scream bloody murder to their ISPs to get native IPv6 and stick to
> IPv4.

If ISPs see the a significant amount of their traffic is IPv6
encapsulated in IPv4, they will be pushed towards providing native IPv6
or at least their own IPv6-to-IPv4 gateways. Otherwise their lines to
other ISPs are burdened with the overhead of tunnelling, and traffic
that is between customers of one ISP will go to a foreign gateway and
back. Eventually when there are many applications, customers will start
demanding low latency -- certain user segments already choose providers
based on latency. Obviously native IPv6 will provide better latency than

Teredo and 6to4 also ensures that there it does not make business sense
for ISPs to provide only a single IPv6-address to a user. If they do
that, the user will ignore the native IPv6-connectivity and use Teredo
or 6to4. Sure, those tunnelling technologies may delay native IPv6, but
on the other hand they ensure that when native IPv6 arrives, it will be
the real thing and not crippled.


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