
> Christian Huitema wrote:
> The Teredo design is predicated on the idea that we can ship IPv6
> as a software upgrade on the PC. The update can be enabled as part
> of an application development. That is actually quite powerful,
> and does break the chicken-and-egg problem.

True, but Teredo is both the best friend and the worst enemy of IPv6.
The best friend because it does indeed enable app developers to develop
IPv6-only apps before IPv6 is largely deployed at ISPs. The worst enemy
because if IPv6-only apps work good enough over Teredo, consumers will
no scream bloody murder to their ISPs to get native IPv6 and stick to

This is _not_ a criticism, but you above everyone else should understand
that one if not _the_ primary functions of Teredo is NAT traversal, and
if it does break the chicken-and-egg problem between ISPs and app
developers it does create its own chicken-and-egg problem which
basically the following: it enables IPv6 on the desktop without an
infrastructure, but OTOH it enhances IPv4 NAT which in turn delays IPv6


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