OK, this is going to go around endlessly, so please re-read my original message where I said that there are some who simply do not agree that local addressing is needed -- I know that is your position and I respect it. I also said that I firmly disagree and suggest that we have plenty of scenarios that suggest otherwise. Lets not waste further bits on this argument.

--On Tuesday, November 04, 2003 00:54 +0200 Pekka Savola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll combine two answers in message..

> Why exactly should we care if party X's internal applications break
> because it hijacks a prefix?

On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Hans Kruse wrote:
We don't, and that is my point.  The draft in question improves on that
situation by creating a prefix that the rest of the network can easily
deal  with.  Internal apps may still break, although I would argue that
the local  addressing prefix opens some options to make that a little
less likely...

No, the point is that when someone hijacks a prefix, they intentionally do something they know they should not do, and they "deserve" their applications to get broken.

If we specify a mechanism for local addressing that "just about works",
but still breaks apps, we've "blessed" a mechanism that doesn't work.
That's even worse :-)

Because simply allowing internal apps to break is in clear violation of
the robustness principle. (e.g., if two
disconnected/intermittently-connected sites that have somehow hijacked
the same prefix encounter one another we have what Data would call: "a
simple matter/anti-matter reaction".)

Yes, but the site who hijacked a prefix is lost beyond redemption. Again, why should we care if their apps break? (We certainly care about apps not breaking in "valid" deployment scenarios..)

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Hans Kruse, Associate Professor J. Warren McClure School of Communication Systems Management Adjunct Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Ohio University, Athens, OH, 45701 740-593-4891 voice, 740-593-4889 fax

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