
As I am packing for a 3.5 week trip, I don't have time to go into full
detail. I mostly disagree with you on the big points (your smaller
points are fine), but these are not new arguments anyway.

> 1) specifying just one allocator to the end-sites; this is always bad
> and prone to create monsters such as ICANN.  

That's unfair language. ICANN is not a monopolist.

> It seems like that the model should be provided to support
> enough registries (e.g. 2 bit = 4 or 3 bits = 8).

It might indeed be wise for IANA to only hand out 1/8 of the space
to the first registry - that would leave flexibility to create
more if competition proved necessary.

>    Any routing protocol that is used between sites MUST filter out any
>    incoming or outgoing Local IPv6 unicast routes.  The exception to
>    this is if specific /48 IPv6 local unicast routes have been
>    configured to allow for inter-site communication.

I do agree this is badly phrased - it isn't the *protocol* that
does the filtering, it's the default router config. Just as NATs
are shipped with an effective "deny all" configured, IPv6 routers
should be shipped with "deny FC00::/7" configured.

And it's because so many corporate security solutions now depend
on that effective "deny all", much as you and I may hate it, that
we need this.

You can certainly deny by default. A site that wants to use FC00::/7
internally or on VPNs can enable it where needed.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brian E Carpenter 
Distinguished Engineer, Internet Standards & Technology, IBM 

*** I will be on vacation February 3-25, 2004 ***

Pekka Savola wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, Brian Haberman wrote:
> >       This is the start of an IPv6 working group last call on:
> >
> > >         Title           : Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses
> > >         Author(s)       : R. Hinden, B. Haberman
> > >         Filename        : draft-ietf-ipv6-unique-local-addr-02.txt
> > >         Pages           : 16
> > >         Date            : 2004-1-21
> Below are my comments.  I don't think we really need this kind of
> stuff, but as local addressing seems to have been taken as granted
> already, I don't argue on those grounds. (However, at some point I
> believe someone will make you insert a better applicability statement
> on where to (not) use the local addressing.. you could very well try
> to do it now.)
> As for the rest, I have a major concern on picking just one registrar
> for the central allocations.  I also have major deployment and
> implementation concerns with "default deny" policies; they seem to be
> unacceptable or unfeasible.  The security of local addressing must be
> based on the fact that the site administrator has toggled on a switch
> or configured the access-lists -- NOT on protocols having to filter
> out the addresses, or having some kind of default access-lists
> magically deny all the traffic at vague site borders.
> Below..
> substantial
> -----------
> 1) specifying just one allocator to the end-sites; this is always bad
> and prone to create monsters such as ICANN.
> It seems like that the model should be provided to support
> enough registries (e.g. 2 bit = 4 or 3 bits = 8).  Just to make sure that
> the customers can pick someone else's service unless they aren't satisfied
> with an organization, so that there is some incentive not to have too high
> charges, to avoid the claims of building monopolies who get free money for
> numbers, etc.etc.
> Unless you have instructions in mind for IANA who should have this registry
> monopoly, there should probably be multiple registries in the only one of
> them screws up in a major way (e.g., compare to the mess with .com zone by
> verisign).
> 2) The specification requires that routing protocols special-case these
> prefixes by MUST filtering them.  This is unacceptable, and should be
> removed.  Any filtering should be done by the sites themselves.  Note that
> running any other protocol than BGP is not feasible anyway to be run over
> administrative domains (exclusing provider-provisioned VPNs, maybe, but
> those are special case anyway), so we can pretty much limit the discussion
> to BGP.  Which is pretty trivial, because 1) why would the ISP advertise
> such prefixes, and 2) why would the site not filter out stuff it doesn't
> want.
>    Any routing protocol that is used between sites MUST filter out any
>    incoming or outgoing Local IPv6 unicast routes.  The exception to
>    this is if specific /48 IPv6 local unicast routes have been
>    configured to allow for inter-site communication.
>    If BGP is being used at the site border with an ISP, filters MUST be
>    installed by default in the BGP configuration to keep any Local IPv6
>    address prefixes from being advertised outside of the site or for
>    these prefixes to be learned from another site.  The exception to
>    this is if there are specific /48 routes created for one or more
>    Local IPv6 prefixes.
> 3) Similar to the above, there are some particularly inpractical issues with
> site-border security:
>    Site border routers SHOULD install a black hole route for the Local
>    IPv6 prefix FC00::/7.  This will insure that packets with Local IPv6
>    destination addresses will not be forwarded outside of the site via a
>    default route.  Site border routers SHOULD respond with the
>    appropriate ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message to inform the
>    source that the packet was not forwarded [ICMPV6].  This feedback is
>    important to avoid transport protocol timeouts.
>    Site border routers and firewalls SHOULD NOT forward any packets with
>    Local IPv6 source or destination addresses outside of the site unless
>    they have been explicitly configured with routing information about
>    other Local IPv6 prefixes.  The default behavior of these devices
>    SHOULD be to filter them.  Site border routers SHOULD respond with
>    the appropriate ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message to inform the
>    source that the packet was not forwarded.
> .. this is inpractical, and should be reworded.  The site border routers
> cannot know that they are site-border routers, so these checks cannot be
> implemented.  What you can do is state that a toggle SHOULD be implemented
> and when enabled on an interface, it would apply these kind of restrictions
> to it.  But the point is that you WILL need administrator action.  "Deny by
> default" just is not practical approach here, because you don't know that
> you should be denying these by default.
>    Additionally, domain border routers connecting autonomous systems
>    throughout the Internet SHOULD obey these recommendations for site
>    border routers.
> ==> as for this, I have no idea what this even tries to say, so it requires
> rewording.
> semi-editorial
> --------------
>      2) Obtain an EUI-64 identifier from the system running this
>         algorithm.  If an EUI-64 does not exist, one can be created from
>         a 48-bit MAC address as specified in [ADDARCH].  If an EUI-64
>         cannot be obtained or created, a suitably unique identifier,
>         local to the node, should be used (e.g. system serial number).
> ==> hopefully the centrally assigned global IDs don't use their
> (single) computer's EUI-64 in the generation :-)
>      4) Compute an MD5 digest on the key as specified in [MD5DIG].
> ==> security folks have been pushed for the use of SHA-1 because it's more
> collision-proof.  It doesn't matter much in this specific context, but at
> least nobody would object if you changed this to using an SHA-1 digest.
>    Site border routers SHOULD install a black hole route for the Local
>    IPv6 prefix FC00::/7.
> ==> I think you mean "a reject route" ? (or a "discard" route might
> also work OK)
>    For future study names with Local IPv6 addresses may be resolved
>    inside of the site using dynamic naming systems such as Multicast
>    DNS.
> ==> this seems irrelevant and should be removed; above, it already
> states someting general about local naming systems.
>    Local IPv6 addresses, like global scope unicast addresses, are only
>    assigned to nodes if their use has been enabled (via IPv6 address
>    autoconfiguration [ADDAUTO], DHCPv6 [DHCP6], or manually) and
>    configured in the DNS.
> ==> "and configured in the DNS" is not requirement and is irrelevant; should
> be removed?
>    assign them.  In order for a node to learn the Local IPv6 address of
>    another node, the Local IPv6 address must have been installed in the
>    DNS.
> ==> s/DNS/DNS or another naming system/ ?
> 11.2 Disadvantages
> ==> Add to disadvantages:
>    - Instead of using global unicast addresses inside the sites, the
>      sites may be tempted to start using Local IPv6 addresses excessively,
>      instead of using global unicast addresses and reachability restrictions
>      such as firewalls or access control lists.
> editorial
> ---------
> ==> please include the IPR and copyright sections if possible..
> INTERNET-DRAFT                                          R. Hinden, Nokia
> January 20, 2004                                 Brian Haberman, Caspian
> ==> s/Brian/B./ (same style :)
>    This document defines an unicast address format that is globally
> ==> s/an/an IPv6/
>       interface ID      64-bit IID as defined in [ADDARCH].
> ==> s/IID/interface ID/
>    prefix and Global ID field length.  There is a direct tradeoff
> ==> s/Global ID/global ID/  -- or at least be consistent whether it starts
> with the upper case in the middle of sentence or not (the same with a few
> other places)
>    needlessly.  A reasonable way of evaluating a specific field length
>    is to compare it to a projected 2050 world population of 9.3 billion
>    [POPUL] to compare the number of resulting /48 prefixes per person.
> ==> s/to compare/and/ (the latter "to compare")
>       Prefix   Global ID      Number /48          Prefixes     % of IPv6
>                Length         Prefixes            per Person   Address Space
> ==> s/Number/Number of/
> ==> IPv6 Address Space goes beyond 72 words/line, which is bad.
>    A very high utilization ratio of these allocations can be assumed
>    because no internal structure is required in the field nor is there
>    any reason to be able to aggregate the prefixes.
> ==> sounds soooo awkward, maybe reword:
>    A very high utilization ratio of these allocations can be assumed
>    because the global ID field does not require internal structure,
>    and there is no reason to be able to aggregate the prefixes.
> ...
>    The authors believes that a /7 prefix resulting in a 41 bit Global ID
> ==> s/believes/believe/
>    exhausted.  If more than this was needed, then additional IPv6
>    address space could be allocated for this purpose.
> ==> s/was/were to be/ ?
>    should not be assigned sequentially or with well known numbers.  This
>    to ensure that there is not any relationship between allocations and
> ==> s/This/This is/
>    duplicate assignments.  The local assignments are free and do not
>    need any central coordination or assignment, but have a lower (but
> ==> remove "are free and" due to removing the 10 euro charge text?
> (without coordination or assignment, there certainly can't be any
> fee to them :)
>    This is easiest to accomplish if there is a single source of the
>    assignments.
> ==> sounds funny, maybe s/of/for/ ?
>    addition to web based registration they should support some methods
>    like telephone, postal mail, fax, telex, etc.  They should also
> ==> perhaps it has been long enough to be able to remove "telex" from the
> list :-)
>   It is escrowed to insure there are no duplicate allocations and in
> ==> s/insure/ensure/ (the same elsewhere)
>    makes it easy to get a prefix with out the need to contact an
> ==> s/with out/without/
>    is adequate for sites planning a small to moderate amount inter-site
>    communication using locally generated global IDs.  Sites planning
> ==> s/amount/amount of/
>    [ICMPV6]  Conta, A., S. Deering, "Internet Control Message Protocol
>              (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
>               Specification", RFC1885, December 1998.
> ==> old reference.
>    [RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision
>              3", RFC 2026, BCP00009, October 1996.
> ==> remove this, unused reference.
>    [RTP]     Schulzrinne, H., S. Casner, R. Frederick, V. Jacobson,
>              "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications"
>              RFC1889, January 1996.
> ==> use RFC3550 instead.
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